Healthcare Workers Still Un-Cack-Scene-Hated

Reading time for 'Healthcare Workers Still Un-Cack-Scene-Hated' is approx. 10-16 minutes. Search for the audio in The Sorting House group on Telegram.
Healthcare workers.

Recently I learned that many countries have reintegrated the excluded healthcare workers.

For my own peace the past few years I have sought to learn and say less about our most recent “health crisis”. However, given how close this hits home, I just can’t keep it shut anymore.

Most healthcare workers gave their all in a provoked climate of fear. Yet the nations saw fit to accolade them by tapping on pans, whilst their unscrupulous colleagues racked in the likes for bravely dancing on the front lines of social media.

Admittedly, healthcare workers have been pushed to the limits of what’s generally considered reasonable in our so-called civilised societies for as long as the industry has existed. Can we cut them some slack for letting off steam in this way? I’m not so sure.

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Peace, Presence and Passion

At times it can be tricky for us to be present with ourselves, others and the world as we are constantly being bombarded with thoughts and information. It isn’t always easy to decipher which passions are ours, or those of the collective.

Our unconscious takes us way back to our past, projects us far into the future, and leads us away from the place where we actually are right now.

We do many things without really paying attention. We listen to close-ones with our minds elsewhere. We traverse splendid landscapes without even seeing and rejoicing in the beauty of the world around us.

No real joy, nor quality of being, or relation can exist without a certain quality of presence.

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