Regardless of what is going on in the outside world.
Reading time: approx. 10 minutes
LOLz at the click-baity title that makes it seem I’ve been assimilated by the *influenzers but actually this is genuinely how passionate I am about this revolution in my life. Obviously, as I love you all very much, I simply must share in the hopes that many others can benefit too.
*A combination of the words ‘influencer’ and ‘influenza’

Lymphatics Menu – Jump to:
Why Bother Doing Daily Lymphatic Maintenance?
Why Does Lymph Stagnation Happen?
What Are The Symptoms of a Stagnant Lymph?
That’s right, I’ve recently discovered more about one of the many wonders of our human bodies: the lymphatic system.
What is the Lymphatics?
Simply put, the lymphatic system is a vital ensemble that regulates and impacts numerous other bodily functions. Its optimal performance is ESSENTIAL in keeping us alive, preferably with flourishing health.

For most people, this system functions unnoticed until there is inflammation. At this point, the major lymph nodes might start to feel noticeably sore as they work hard to assist detoxification in the body.
Lymphatic Complications
Debilitating symptoms can develop when the lymphatic system is unbalanced. Subsequently resulting in oft-extreme swelling and fluid retention in areas of the body (lymphoedema). This can either be due to lymph dysfunction directly or via secondary effects of biological programs such as cancer or other so-called diseases. Some are even born with hereditary lymphatic challenges. For those cases, dedicated lymphatic protocols need to be explored in more detail with the assistance of professional, holistically-minded carers.
As I’m not a medical professional, nor am I an expert in biology or anything like that, I’ll avoid getting too technical. If that’s your bag, you can refer to some of the extensive scientific content that exists.
Unless you have any serious medical condition that requires direct monitoring by professionals, the basics of lymphatic massage ARE accessible to most and easy to grasp. I think anyone in this case really can start using lymphatic massage and literally begin to change their life today.

Thankfully, we now have access to educational resources without going to the ends of the earth. Anyone with access to the internet can hunt down quality sources, learn about and apply this wisdom to improve their well-being and general existence.
Keep reading for my take on why we should ALL be offering our bodies this kind of uncomplicated, free, yet vital support. Regardless of the state of the outside world, who we are, where we come from and what our story is.
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