Time to Get Ugly │ Fertile Resistance

When the means of subsisting correctly have slipped into the hands of psychopaths, there must be fertile resistance from those that wish to keep living outside of this assault.

Image Credit: La Relève et La Peste
For time this need for fertile resistance has been established and evident for all who search and ponder.

If there is any doubt about the need for fertile resistance outside of these mega-systems on your part then please move along, get the pricks and the chips. Do as you are told without further a do OR devote yourself now to learning something new.

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Foraging and Frolicking

Foraging wild plants for food, medicinal or cosmetic purposes is one of the many ways of developing a meaningful connection to our earth.

The earth we all depend on as earth beings and that makes our lives possible to begin with!

Oft forgotten, minimised or shunned, this ancestral, vital, unsynthesized, natural connection is sadly overlooked by many these days, yet is likely to be the missing part of the puzzle that helps harmonise all the woes we face.

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Yet Still She Calls Us

When spending time with Nature, looking at all her forms and expressions, we realise that she is beautiful because she is alive.

Even in terrible harshness, sharp and scarring, barren and bare. Even in death she breathes and allows the current of life to linger and flow. Inspired, we could accomplish so much from that impulsion to grow (undoubtedly provided this be natural and not synthetically provoked).

Yet synthetically provoked, favoured in this modern man’s world, most of it is already dead anyway. Plugged in yet disconnected. Another intelligence, unnatural, artificial.

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Appearance Based Value

Why is value often based on appearance rather than values these days?

Artist Unknown

For too long, I was under the illusion that I had to conform in so many spheres just to have the right to even exist.

Thanks to the experiences I’d had in life, I often categorised and judged the value I could bring based on my appearance and capacity to assimilate the latest trends and ideals. Thus considered through the lens of a twisted, ever-changing synthetic beauty and fashion industry rather than anything based on wholesome, natural truth.

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On Fertile Future Freedoms

Today I am not uploading (yet another) archive post, nor am I bringing you new words from my being but actually words born of another that I recently discovered @slowdownfarmstead on Substack – if you resonate or feel moved to discuss, please also consider subscribing and supporting the author Tara using her links at the end of the post.

counterfeit comestibles

Written by Tara at Slowdown Farmstead for Substack

So much of what I’m going to touch on here must be augmented with an understanding of the globalization of our planet and how the corporate players that got us into this hot mess are the same ones holding themselves up as messiahs of salvation. If we buy their solutions to the problems they created, we are headed into the dark wood without a compass. They hold up promises to get us out of our predicament, but only if we are dutiful and listen to what must be done. Of course, what must be done further ensures the destruction of our mother earth, our bodies and spirits, and the increasing serfdom of humans dependent on soylent green factory slop in order to live. There are some references at the bottom of this essay to help put some of this in context if what I’m writing seems in anyway far fetched to you. Please feel free to share your own so we can all continue to learn together.

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Heeding the Call

Updated 23 July 2022 – Original 17 January 2022

Canigou Mountain, Pyrenees, France

Out and about, between waves of salt and snow, I heeded the call to let it all go.

Despite appearances, nothing comfortable, synthetic or artificial can ever actually fulfil us.

For it is amongst all the apparently uncivilised, savage and wild things that we can satiate our yearning. In that often unknown and uncomfortable space, that’s where we truly begin to learn to act with grace.

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We Know Where We Belong

Please enjoy a rough poem, an untamed ode to our wild nature. An extension of gratitude to our cosmic mother from the undomesticated being within us. A reminder to reverence or a warning, an alarm that alerts you’ve possibly strayed too far, consider this a loving call to bring you back to all that you are,

Inspired by the art of strong women and the potent men gifted to us by them, forever dancing between two principles, finding that fine line of balance amongst all that is duality, working on the great sum of all paradox,

we know where we belong,

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Underwater Love

I want to be where the people aren’t, in that magical aquatic world that many are afraid of because they don’t try to understand it.

From the second my fins hit the water I instantly feel appeased, regardless of what is happening on the surface of our world. Learning to scuba dive, to appreciate an ecosystem that is so essential to our lives up-top was hands-down my favourite education to date.

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