80% of the litter found in the oceans, rivers and waterways is from land.
By 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the sea. Plastic never disappears, like seriously never, but it can take upwards of 450 years to become invisible to the naked eye.
If you are worried about getting ill, start caring about what you consume and give your body the best chance of healing itself. Don’t let corporations cook for you.
Learn about the ingredients of the food you eat. Where did it come from? How is it made? What effect does it have on human cells and the body?
In 2015, we learnt that 90% of seabirds on our planet have ingested plastic when the results of a study by British and Australian scientists was published. Now, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn it is 100%.
If that wasn’t bad enough, it is actually 100% of animals on earth, including humans, that are ingesting plastics at an alarming rate because of how polluted our environments are. Yet, we just keep adding to the problem instead of starting to look for solutions…
We don’t have a climate change problem. We have a human problem. We have a lack of respect for each other and our home problem. We have an unbalanced sense of entitlement problem.
The world is a stage. You are part of this. What role are you playing?
In a world that is changing so unnaturally, the need to reconnect and ground in with real changes, the real ebb and flow of our natural environment becomes even more important. Especially when trying to find one’s role. This living world is magnificent and you are part of it, make it count.
Just over a year ago, I decided to stop eating animal products… why?
It wasn’t the easiest choice as I was a keen meat eater and I already felt pretty good about myself as I would go to great lengths to get my meat-fix from organic and “ethical” vendors, avoiding supermarkets, industrial farms and butchers wherever possible.
Interesting mural on L’Église Notre Dame de l’Assomption in Belgentier, South of France. The mural depicts the passage of Louis XIV on his way to Cotignac Abbey. The catholic church was rebuilt in 1616 at the site of a previous 12th-century chapel.
Upcycled earrings by Sauvage Mediterranee – made with sea glass collected in the #calanquesdemarseille and lovingly assembled by a small team of real people in an artisanal workshop, nestled in the Provence region of France.
It’s true that I’m a recovering fast-fashion, beauty-trend coveting, shopaholic who shamefully spent far too much precious energy on absolute junktatt throughout the first part of my life. Thus, like most people in our western societies, I often funded hideously unfair working conditions for our fellow humans, along with masses of pollution to our beautiful planet and even vastly contributed to the loading of nasty toxins and chemicals in our waterways and in my own home and body, albeit unwittingly for the most part.
Thankfully, since doing the work to become aware of what I was actually consenting to and allowing by participating unconsciously in the collective consumer folly, I’m no longer trying to uphold that kind of passive abuse. Over time, I learned that carefully choosing where we circulate our money before doing so is vital in order to be able to respect ourselves, especially if we are to be, as Gandhi so aptly put it, the change we wish to see in the world.
NGL, I am pretty proud whenever I manage to play the long, reuse it over and over, sometimes patience-trying, eco-conscious, slow game by straight-up consuming less and consciously opting to use, wear and support small, local brands and artisans.
Basically, the human-scale companies that genuinely* are much more in line with organic, life-honouring values; like trying really hard to make choices that do notroyally fuck the planet, animals and humans in the process kinda thing.
*Don’t get me started on the greenwashing many industries actively partake in.
Mama, thank you for everything you give to us so kindly.
I can only hope that our brothers and sisters will see how generous you have been.
For now many of them are lost and are walking a very dangerous path.
Please help those that need it, and strengthen those that want it.
Be kind to those who deny you and help them see, in whatever way they need, that we are as much one as we are different, and that you have given us everything we could ever need to thrive here together in harmony with you. ❤🌍