Fellow Star Child

The Sorting House – Flowering Wisdom, doodle art kindly created by Lucidly Lucy

A wise person once said, nothing stays the same, everything changes, this is both the good and the bad news. So don’t run from it, don’t hide.

Really feel the moment you are in for you will never get it back, the details are important, stay attentive, stay creative. Don’t run from it, don’t hide.

Feel into all of its expanse, nice or nasty, feel the lessons it is bringing you, let it pass through you. Don’t run from it, don’t hide.

Even in the darkest of nights, and the brightest of days, this life is yours to experience in every single way. Don’t run from it, don’t hide.

With every situation, whether you perceive it as good or bad, a whole field of possibility is opening up for you. Don’t run from it, don’t hide.

The only thing that makes the difference is the choices you decide to take, every second of every day, this life is literally yours to make. Don’t run from it, don’t hide.

Stand bold, dive deep within yourself, curiouser and curiouser, the present is yours in all its ugly splendour and magnificent beauty, so certainly don’t you run from it and don’t you dare hide fellow star child.

Celtic Tree-scopes

Always fascinated by trees, their shapes, sizes, types and temperaments, literally amazed by their intricate evolution but for some reason, I never got around to learning how to identify them (yet).

Today, completely randomly, I learnt that in Celtic culture they would track the passage of time on a lunar calendar over 13 months, as opposed to the Gregorian system of 12 that most of us live by nowadays (I’ve since discovered there is doubt to the historical and mathematical validity of a 13-month lunar calendar system within Celtic and other ancient cultures).

I also learnt that trees are an integral part of a Celtic divination system, similar to how tracking and analysing the stars led some of our ancestors to develop astrology systems.

Continue reading “Celtic Tree-scopes”

Five a Day? Try Again.

Organic, in-season and locally grown by a lovely couple in the area

Most people suffer intense cognitive dissonance, they cannot accept that those up top, those running things on an international level and making decisions that concern most of us, do not care for us, or about us in the slightest.

The truth is that our global corporations, institutions, authorities, foundations and even charities of a certain notoriety are all motivated by power, control, money, growth and margins, and rarely by protecting our personal health and what is truly best for humanity in the longterm.

Continue reading “Five a Day? Try Again.”

Choose Life

We can’t completely control how many chemicals we are exposed to, so why would we choose to add a whole load more with what we eat?

The water we drink and wash with has a surprising quantity of chemical residue from treatment plants, agriculture and pharmaceutical runoff, and bottled water isn’t any better. The plastic it is often stored in leeches chemical toxins and research has shown that most bottled water brands are no better than tap water anyway.

Continue reading “Choose Life”

About 2020

2020 I thank you, for everything you have brought to light, for the lessons you have offered us, for the alarm you have made so impossible to ignore.

2020 I see you, unfiltered without ornament, beautiful and ugly, hateful and magnificent, for all that you are, for all that we are.

2020 I feel you, for everything you brought to the surface, for what you made us swim in, for the islands uncovered, emerging from great depths.

2020 the year of clear vision for those who chose it to be, the year that paved the way to things others cannot even imagine, let alone begin to fathom.

2020 the great reset, the plan of all plans, amongst other things, the year the world aligned to the same agenda, or did it?

2020 the bridge, the choice. The year when we realised what was really important. The year we took charge of our own lives and started living them for us, for our own agenda, nobody else’s.

May 2021 be the year we truly step into our power.