It Takes a Village

Creating resistance between all of us is exactly what keeps us from moving forward here. Regardless of how uncomfortable it might be, we need to recognise that our ancestors pillaged and decimated lands and ancient cultures to create these beloved and so-called “civilised” societies we find ourselves in today… and it goes on (hello medical and technological “progress”).

We have created societies that so happen to be destroying our planet and all of its diversity along the way. These very societies were built using the free, or “cheap” labour of our enslaved brothers and sisters. We can only move forward by integrating that, looking at it, admitting it and working together to change it, there’s no other way around it.

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Peace, Presence and Passion

At times it can be tricky for us to be present with ourselves, others and the world as we are constantly being bombarded with thoughts and information. It isn’t always easy to decipher which passions are ours, or those of the collective.

Our unconscious takes us way back to our past, projects us far into the future, and leads us away from the place where we actually are right now.

We do many things without really paying attention. We listen to close-ones with our minds elsewhere. We traverse splendid landscapes without even seeing and rejoicing in the beauty of the world around us.

No real joy, nor quality of being, or relation can exist without a certain quality of presence.

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Money, Money, Money…

Put simply, money exists because humans have agreed to quantify value through the symbolism of it.

In its physical sense, it is made up of notes and coins, inherently nothing more than paper and metal. These physical items have been used by humans as a tool, to allow us to conceptualise and track the value of things we have and require; items, services, resources. This symbolism must be mutually accepted (or imposed) to function.

Via physical or electronic symbols, currency and money accumulates its value through the perception of its users. Therefore it is purely through socially constructed ideas that it receives value in the first place.

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The Change is Here

In the spirit of the title and the new Gregorian year, this post has changed. Updated 01/01/22.

The change we want and need. It’s already here for those that choose it. All that remains is to act consciously with inherent perfection.

If you are aware and uneasy about the state of things in the world, just know that it is meant to be this way, and no amount of worrying, denying or avoiding will make any of it go away or change. Nor will the manipulation of others bring about anything truly worthwhile either.

What will bring meaningful change is by first changing yourself. Breaking the loop and healing your heart.

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Overfished Bish

If this world is ours, when will we act like it?

“…so when can we expect the beautiful “green revolution”? When will the people wake up? And stop saying it is a question of finance, because that’s false, it’s just a question of organisation. Sure, it’s not going to be perfect right away, but honestly, it would be more effective than complaining, bitching and blaming others…”

words written in French by Julie Descamps, unofficially translated by Natacha Neveu for The Sorting House.
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Satisfaction in Sobriety

“Naturally, it is not a question of advocating misery, but of inventing a new frugality which, today synonymous with deprivation, could become a source of satisfaction. Take part actively in the future, reclaim our choices, stop cooperating with the system that is crushing us: there is a challenge and pride in finding this form of sobriety. It is not easy of course. To be satisfied with what one needs – or with a real desire, not one conditioned by advertising and the latest trends – is a real discipline in a system where one is ordered daily to earn more to buy more and thus fuel sales and the profits of shareholders in large companies.”

Corinne Morel Darleux – ‘Plutôt couler en beauté que flotter sans grâce‘ ‘Better to Sink Beautifully than Float Without Grace’ quote unofficially translated by Natacha Neveu @thesortinghouse.

“il ne s’agit naturellement pas de prôner la misère, mais d’inventer une nouvelle frugalité qui, aujourd’hui synonyme de privations, puisse devenir source de satisfaction. prendre une part active à l’avenir, se réapproprier ses choix, cesser de coopérer avec le system qui nous broie: il y a du défi et de la fierté à retrouver dans cette forme de sobriété. ce n’est pas simple bien sûr. se contenter de ce dont on a besoin – ou une réelle envie, non conditionnée par la publicité et le dernier cri – est une vraie discipline dans un système où l’on est quotidiennement enjoint à gagner plus pour acheter plus et ainsi alimenter les ventes et les profits des détenteurs de parts de grande compagnies.”

Corinne Morel Darleux – ‘Plutôt couler en beauté que flotter sans grâce

Cathar Carcassonne

The Cité of Carcassonne was founded during the Gallo-Roman period, over its 2,500 years of history the town has changed hands from Visigoths to Saracens and Crusaders… Around the 11th century, Catharism developed in parts of Europe as a result of teachings from the trade routes of the Byzantine empire (Cathars were a Gnostic group of Christians that opposed the Catholic doctrine and had the notion of a dualist faith, they identified as Les Parfaits, literally meaning ‘The Perfects’ or Good-men and Good-women).

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From the Bottom Up

You are part of this earth.

You have two homes, your planet and your body, take care of them.

It isn’t all about appearances, remember to also cultivate the beauty within you.

In order to protect our home, we ought to be looking to get as many of our needed items second-hand, as well as reducing unnecessary and frivolous purchases entirely. Especially as there is pretty much enough of anything we could ever need already on this planet, we could just stop production of many industries today and still not go without for years.

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The Secret Life of Trees

Trees are actually linked to each other via an underground ‘web’ connection. A connection that is facilitated by their root systems and bacteria that lives within the ground, creating the original ‘worldwide web’ in natural symbiosis.

This connection allows both trees and fungi to benefit, assuring the right balance of nutrients for them to both thrive but also providing them with the ability to communicate, exchange and protect each other across great distances.

We obviously know the basics about why trees are important to our lives, they provide an atmosphere we can breathe and thrive in. We use them for heat, energy and to write on, but there is actually so much more to know about how impressive they are. Especially when grouped into communities free of human intervention, like forests.

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