A wise person once said, nothing stays the same, everything changes, this is both the good and the bad news. So don’t run from it, don’t hide.
Really feel the moment you are in for you will never get it back, the details are important, stay attentive, stay creative. Don’t run from it, don’t hide.
Feel into all of its expanse, nice or nasty, feel the lessons it is bringing you, let it pass through you. Don’t run from it, don’t hide.
Even in the darkest of nights, and the brightest of days, this life is yours to experience in every single way. Don’t run from it, don’t hide.
With every situation, whether you perceive it as good or bad, a whole field of possibility is opening up for you. Don’t run from it, don’t hide.
The only thing that makes the difference is the choices you decide to take, every second of every day, this life is literally yours to make. Don’t run from it, don’t hide.
Stand bold, dive deep within yourself, curiouser and curiouser, the present is yours in all its ugly splendour and magnificent beauty, so certainly don’t you run from it and don’t you dare hide fellow star child.