When Was The Last Time?

When was the last time you noticed the rhythm of your breath?

When did you last check-in, a brief pause, to just be really aware of yourself in the situation you find yourself in?

When was the last time you didn’t waste the present moment with thoughts about later, tomorrow and further ahead still or yesterday, last week, even last year and before that?

When was the last time you really carved out space in your busy existence for yourself to be yourself and not an example of other’s expectations?

When was the last time you didn’t look for distractions from yourself on your phone, the TV or through others?

When was the last time you did something that truly makes you feel alive?

When was the last time you actually loved and challenged yourself as though you wanted better for yourself?

When was the last time you took the time to invest in yourself, not your material wishes, but your wildest dreams?

When was the last time you allowed flexibility on your beliefs, that you listened to a different viewpoint and admitted that you could be wrong?

When will you realise that you have a wonderful opportunity here and you are not even close to your full potential?

When was the last time you noticed everything is changing in every second?

Subtle things, the air, the sound around you, the feelings within your body, the light, not a single natural thing stays the same, so why would you? 🐛

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